Sunday, August 22, 2010

How do I test connectivity of my router?

You can 'Ping' between network devices to test the connectivity between them.

Open the Command Prompt window from the Windows start menu
StartMenu --> Run --> type "cmd" (with out the "") --> Click "OK"

You will see a DOS like window like this. This is the Command Prompt

Type "ping x.x.x.x" to check the connectivity, where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the network device that you want to ping.

A successful reply means the devices is connected.

A unsuccessful reply means the device may not be connected correctly, Or, there is no device connected with this IP address.

How 'Ping' works is actually to send a request to a specific host (or device) and wait for an echo to get to know if connection between the sender and receiver is OK.

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